2014 – August Newsletter

Posted on: August 2nd, 2014

Reef Chiropractic Care            

Dr. Brian C. Baker



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 Low Back Pain

 Health Benefits of Eggs

 Neck Pain
 HA1c and Heart Disease

  Diabetes and Heart Disease











The Paleo Diet


Food Politics
























August 2014


Have you been enjoying the great weather we’ve been experiencing this summer?  Well, I’ve just read about a possible Polar Vortex heading our way as early as September.  Experts then predict we’ll be getting an El Niño which will bring more snow than usual.  This could all lead to an uptick in Snownados (I made that one up, but I’m trademarking the term).  I’m looking forward to learning some new weather phrases to share with you this coming fall/winter season.  May that be the only price you’ll pay for having such tremendous weather today.


Hope you’re enjoying yourself and if you’re heading back to school, have a successful year!


By the way, due for a tune up?  Of course you are! Use this opportunity to call or go to our website to request an appointment.  Shane is awaiting your phone call.


Please feel free to share this newsletter with friends and family.


Low Back Pain Patient Education
I think this is an excellent video about low back pain. Take a look: Video


10 Proven Health Benefits of Eggs

I’m a fan of eggs rather than refined carbohydrates for breakfast.  Invariably a patient will tell me that they’ve been told to avoid eggs because they have high cholesterol.  I think that is a mistake.  Here are 10 health benefits of eggs that have been confirmed in human studies…..Full Story


Neck Pain – Drugs or Chiropractic?
When you have neck pain, do you instinctively reach for that bottle of ibuprofen or Tylenol? If so, is that the best option? Who can we trust for the answer? Since between 10-20% of the population suffer from chronic or persistent neck pain, this is a VERY IMPORTANT question! Article

Hemoglobin A1c: A Modifiable Predictor of Heart Disease

Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found that hemoglobin A1c ( HbA1c ) — a measure of long-term blood glucose level — predicts heart disease risk in both diabetics and non-diabetics.

An elevated blood glucose level is the defining feature of diabetes, but until now it was unclear whether elevated glucose levels contributed independently to increasing heart-disease risk.
“Our results suggest that improving blood-glucose control may reduce heart disease risk,” said Elizabeth Selvin, lead author of the study and at Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Department of Epidemiology. “
For non-diabetics, lifestyle modifications, such as increased physical activity, weight loss and eating a healthful, low-glycemic, index diet rich in fiber, fruit and vegetables, may not only help prevent diabetes, but also reduce the risk of heart disease,” she said.
According to the study, the current target for “good” glycemic control established by the American Diabetes Association is an HbA1c value less than 7 percent. However, the researchers’ analysis suggest that heart disease risk begins to increase at values even below 7 percent.
They found that those study participants without diabetes but who had “ high normal ” HbA1c levels ( approximately 5 percent to 6 percent ) were at an increased heart disease risk, even after accounting for other factors such as age, cholesterol level, blood pressure, body mass index and smoking.
Non-diabetic persons with HbA1c levels of 6 percent or higher had almost a two-fold greater heart disease risk compared to persons with an HbA1c level below 4.6 percent.
The results suggest we should be concerned about elevated blood sugar levels in non-diabetics as well as diabetics. An important next step is to incorporate strategies for lowering HbA1c.  
Need more convincing?  Then read this next article.


One in 10 Heart Attack Patients Has Unrecognized Diabetes

Ten percent of patients presenting with an acute myocardial infarction had undiagnosed diabetes at the time of their heart attack, underlining the importance of evaluating such patients for diabetes while they are hospitalized, investigators have reported.

The study found that 287 (10.1%) of the 2,854 patients enrolled in a 24-site U.S. acute MI registry, who were not known to have type 2 diabetes on admission, actually had diabetes, reported Dr. Suzanne V. Arnold, a cardiologist at Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute, Kansas City, Mo. The data were presented at the American Heart Association’s Quality of Care and Outcomes Research conference.
The diabetes diagnosis was based on hemoglobin A1c levels of 6.5% or higher. If no HbA1c result was available, the diagnosis was based on at least two fasting glucose levels of 126 mg/dL or higher, or at least one fasting glucose level of 126 mg/dL or higher plus a glucose level at presentation of at least 200 mg/dL.
Of the 287 patients who were identified as having unrecognized diabetes in the study, almost 70% (198) had not been diagnosed by the physician who treated them during their hospitalization. This lack of a diagnosis was indicated by patients not having received education about diabetes while hospitalized or not being discharged with a diabetes medication.
If a physician checked the HbA1c for a patient with an acute MI as part of routine clinical care, however, the likelihood that the patient would be diagnosed with diabetes was increased 18-fold, a highly statistically significant finding, Dr. Arnold said.

Low Back Pain with Prolonged Standing?


05/01/2014 Graph



Professional at Work

I’d hire this guy.

Fun Stuff

This is an amazing. Take a look and watch it in full screen with the music turned up.



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