November 2012
Hurricane Sandy has made her presence felt, and it is my heartfelt hope you and your family have weathered the storm with minimal damage. My prayers go out to those of you whose homes were affected by the flooding. With the holiday approaching this is an especially appropriate time to be thankful for the health and well being of friends and family.

Fairfield Kiwanis Holiday Poinsettia Plant Sale
Before getting down to business, I’d like to open with a sales request. Help out the Kiwanis Club of Fairfield with our annual holiday poinsettia fundraiser. I’ve been a Kiwanian for the past 25 years. This year I’m heading up the poinsettia sale and I’m counting on you.
Now forget for a moment that this is a fundraiser. These plants are simply the most incredibly lush and vibrant you will ever find. They are triple plants in one pot, wrapped in gold foil and delivered fresh from a local Connecticut grower. These are first rate florist quality and available in red, white and pink. We’ll gladly deliver orders of 5 or more to your home or business. We have two delivery dates; You can choose to have them on 11/24 or 12/8. Either date, you can count on these plants remaining healthy and robust well past the holidays.
Now, remember what I told you to forget? Well, forget that! This is a fundraiser! The Fairfield Kiwanis Club raises money for scholarships, local youth organizations and community services like the Bridgeport Rescue Mission. Your orders are greatly appreciated! Here’s the order form: Poinsettia
Sleep Loss
We all know that getting enough sleep is important. However many of us fail to heed this advice. Here is some evidence that sleep is more than just feeling rested:
Too many workers not sleeping enough – according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), about one third of all workers in the USA are sleeping for less than six hours each day, instead of the recommended 7 to 9 hours. People especially at risk of not getting enough sleep included those working in health care, social assistance, transportation and warehousing sectors – many of them on shift-work. Read
Sleep deprivation and bad food choices – Investigators from the University of California demonstrated how sleep deprivation can undermine regions in the brain which are responsible for making food choices. They explained that their findings might explain why sleep deprivation is linked to a higher risk of becoming obese. Article
Lack of sleep and the appeal of junk food – people who have not had enough sleep and have “tired brains” are more likely to find junk foods appealing, researchers from Columbia University in New York, revealed. Read
Lack of sleep and stroke risk – Normal weight adults who sleep less than six hours per night have a much greater risk of stroke symptoms during middle-to-older age than normal weight people who sleep more hours, researchers from the University of Alabama reported. Article
Sleep deprivation and anxiety – Scientists from the Sleep and Neuroimaging Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley, showed that sleep deprivation considerably exaggerates how much we anticipate impending emotional events, especially among those who are already highly anxious individuals. Article

Value of Chiropractic Services
Here’s an interesting study that looked at the benefit of Chiropractic care offered at an on-site health center. The conclusion was that implementation could reduce the financial impact and physical burden of musculoskeletal conditions.
Methods: A retrospective claims analysis and clinical evaluation were performed to assess the influence of on-site chiropractic services on health care utilization and outcomes.
Results: Patients treated off-site were significantly more likely to have physical therapy and outpatient visits. In addition, the average total number of health care visits, x-rays and MRIs, and medication use per patient with each event were lower in the on-site chiropractic care group. Lastly, headache, neck pain, and low back pain–functional status also improved.
Conclusions: These results suggested that on-site chiropractic services may promote lower utilization of certain health care services, while improving musculoskeletal function. JACOEM 2012
Here’s the Beef
I’m once again mentioning the availability of local grass fed beef to those who’ve expressed interest in eating beef with a better fat and protein profile. While red meat consumption gets mixed health messages, most experts agree that the saturated fat content is the area of most concern. Well, grass fed beef is naturally higher in Omega 3 fats, similar to that found in fish and it’s also much leaner than typical beef, because the animals are not fattened up on grains prior to butchering.
The first Thursday of every month John Morosani, of Laurel Ridge Farm, comes down to my office to deliver cuts of beef, pork and whole chickens. He raises his own animals and has them butchered and packaged by a USDA inspected processor. I have a standing monthly order, but John has said he would be happy to provide any amount if you’d like to give it a try. Check out his website and give him a call and place an order. LRGFB
Neck Pain and Chiropractic
Here’s a great video to share with someone who is suffering from neck pain. If they’re ready to try chiropractic, I hope you’ll encourage them to give us a call. Video
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