2013 – July Newsletter

Posted on: July 2nd, 2013

Reef Chiropractic Care            

Dr. Brian C. Baker



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 Drug Deaths

 Headaches and Chiropractic
 Athletes and Ibuprofen

 Muscle Cramps















The Paleo Diet


Food Politics














July 2013


Hot enough for you?  Last month it was too much rain.  Now its the summer heat wave.  I must be getting old because I find myself talking about the the weather way too much! Stay hydrated and apply the sunblock after 15 to 20 minutes of sun.  Remember, you still need some UV rays to produce your vitamin D.


By the way, did anyone try that 52 clove garlic soup recipe from last month?  If so, I’d love to know how it was!


If you’re over due for a visit (you know who you are) then use this opportunity to call or go to our website to request an appointment.  





Prescription Drug Abuse and Poisoning Deaths are Growing

Prescription opioid painkillers are responsible for more fatal overdoses in the U.S. than heroin and cocaine combined, according to a new study out of Brandeis University.
Opioid painkillers include prescription narcotics such as like Vicodin (hydrocodone), OxyContin (oxycodone), Opana (oxymorphone) and methodone.
Below is a presentation with some very powerful statistics from the Pew Health Group (which funded the study) that lays out the extent of the problem: Presentation


Headaches and Chiropractic  

Nine out of ten Americans suffer from headaches. Some are occasional, some frequent, some are dull and throbbing and some cause debilitating pain and nausea. What do you do when you suffer from a pounding headache? Do you grit your teeth and carry on? Lie down? Pop a pill and hope the pain goes away? If you frequently experience headaches, the American Chiropractic Association suggests the following:
If you spend a large amount of time in one fixed position, such as in front of a computer, take a break and stretch every 30 minutes to one hour. 
Avoid heavy exercise. Instead, try walking or low-impact aerobics.
Avoid teeth clenching. The upper teeth should never touch the lowers, expect when swallowing. 
Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day to help avoid dehydration, which can lead to headaches. 
Research shows that chiropractic can be very effective in relieving headaches caused by tension in the neck; however, patients should also be aware that some severe headaches or headaches accompanied by unusual symptoms could be indicators of a more serious condition, such as the onset of stroke. If you experience any of the following symptoms, seek immediate medical attention:    
The sudden onset of severe headache that is more intense than any headache you have ever had in the past.
Headache that is accompanied by blurred vision, double vision, trouble swallowing or speaking, or severe dizziness.
Headache that is accompanied by numbness, tingling, weakness or clumsiness in the arm or legs. 
Headache that is worsened with lying down.
In older adults, headache in the temple area that is accompanied by a feeling of pulsations in that area.
Headache that is accompanied by confusion, disorientation or loss of consciousness.
Headache that is accompanied by fever.
Headache that is accompanied by a severe stiff neck.
Headache that is accompanied by persistent or unexplained vomiting.  

Ibuprofen Use by Athletes May Cause Harm

Recreational and professional athletes who take ibuprofen before and during an event to prevent pain in advance may be doing harm, experts warn.
The class of painkillers called non-steroidal anti-inflammatories or NSAIDs such as Aspirin and ibuprofen work to reduce inflammation from injury but also carry risks of gastrointestinal side-effects. The debate within the athletic community and among researchers is whether blocking the inflammatory process is ultimately beneficial or not.
A study published in the December 2012 issue of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, found that ibuprofen aggravates injury in the small intestine, based on measurements of cell leakage in the gut lining.
Whether the leakage leads to pathology isn’t known and will take a longer-term study to determine.
Since there’s no evidence of benefit and the pain relievers are potentially doing more harm than good to the kidneys and gastrointestinal system, there’s no reason for athletes to use NSAIDs beforehand.


Causes and Treatment of Muscle Cramps

A muscle spasm is an involuntary contraction of a muscle, part of a muscle, or several muscles that usually act together. If the spasm is forceful and sustained, it becomes a cramp. Most people describe a muscle cramp as a feeling of tightness in the muscle; it’s not unusual to feel a lump of hard muscle tissue underneath the skin in the vicinity of the cramp. During a spasm or cramp, it may be painful, or even difficult, to use the affected muscle or muscle group.
Cramps and spasms can affect any muscle. They are most common in the calves, hamstrings, and quadriceps. Cramps in the feet, hands, arms, and lower back occur frequently, as well.
Many possible causes 
Some researchers believe that inadequate stretching and muscle fatigue lead to cramps. According to the University of Michigan, other possible factors include a low level of fitness, overexertion (especially in intense heat), stress, and depletion of electrolytes through excess sweating or dehydration. Certain diuretic medications can also cause cramping due to a loss of sodium, potassium, and magnesium.
Treatment of muscle spasms
Typically, muscle cramps require no treatment other than patience and stretching; medicines are not generally needed to treat an ordinary muscle cramp. Gentle and gradual stretching, along with massage, may ease the pain and hasten recovery.
When a muscle spasm or cramp is the result of an injury, applying ice packs for the first two to three days may help alleviate the pain. Spasms that last a long time may be treated with moist heat for 20 minutes several times a day.
If you tend to get muscle cramps during exercise, make sure you drink enough fluids, and, after your workout, consider a warm Epsom salt bath followed by stretching of the affected muscles. Generally, water is sufficient for rehydration; however, some may find a sports drink or juice beneficial as a means to restore their body’s electrolyte balance.
If your muscle cramps are associated with a specific medical condition, keep in mind that you need to address the underlying health problem for the cramps to subside.
Tips for Prevention
Consider altering your diet and lifestyle by incorporating the following suggestions:
  • Eliminate sugar and caffeine from the diet, and increase consumption of fiber and protein. In addition, remember to eat plenty of calcium- and magnesium- rich foods, such as green leafy vegetables, yogurt, legumes, whole grains, tofu, and Brazil nuts. High-potassium foods, including bananas, avocados, lima beans, and fish, may also be helpful.
  • Before and after you exercise, stretch muscle groups that tend to cramp.
  • Incorporate strengthening exercises into your fitness routine.
  • Avoid dehydration. To prevent dehydration, consume plenty of fluids and foods high in water such as fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid excess sodium and soda (high in phosphoric acid), as they can leach calcium.
  • Avoid chocolate, caffeine, and alcohol, which can interfere with magnesium absorption.
  • Improve your posture. For example, you may have mid-back spasms after sitting at a computer desk for too long in an awkward position.
  • Vitamin E has been said to help minimize cramp occurrence. Although scientific studies documenting this effect are lacking, anecdotal reports are common and fairly enthusiastic. Since vitamin E is thought to have other beneficial health effects and is not toxic in usual doses, taking 400 units of vitamin E daily could be considered.


For Your Consideration:

Simply Magic.    Video



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