Archive for the ‘2016’ Category

2016 – March Newsletter

Posted on: March 1st, 2016

Reef Chiropractic Care          

Dr. Brian C. Baker



To view an online version of this please click here             


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The Paleo Diet


Food Politics
























March 2016


Welcome spring!  Hope you’re ready to dust off the cobwebs and get moving outside.  Spring is a time of renewal and I’m committed to helping you improve and maintain your health and well being as this new season unfolds.  


A sincere thank you to all who signed the National Medicare Equality Petition.  If you missed it, take a look below and join us.


Spring cleaning?  Start with a tune up.  Use this moment to call, or go to our website and request an appointment.  I’ve missed your bones!


As always, please share this newsletter with friends and family.



Urgent:  Medicare Equality
I still need your help in protecting and improving Medicare coverage for chiropractic patients.  This may not apply to you yet, but it will eventually.  Current Medicare coverage for chiropractic services are based on antiquated laws that have not been updated in the 45 years since they originated.  That means Medicare patients are paying out of pocket for mandated things like examinations, physical therapy, x-rays and other services besides spinal manipulation, when provided by doctors of chiropractic. This is ridiculous and has been allowed to go on far too long!


Women suffer more neck pain than men

Women are 1.38 times more likely than men to report neck pain due to cervical degenerative disc disease, according to a study of adult patients treated at Loyola Medicine’s Pain Management Center.
Cervical degenerative disc disease is a common cause of neck pain. Symptoms include stiff or inflexible neck, burning, tingling and numbness. Pain is most prevalent when the patient is upright or moving the head.



Diet Doctor


It starts with a truck driver getting arrested for smuggling… butter. Why?



Mindful Meditation Might Help Ease Back Pain

Mindful meditation may offer a measure of pain relief to seniors suffering from chronic lower back pain, new research suggests.
The study involved nearly 300 older adults with long-term lower back pain, half of whom were assigned to a two-month mindful meditation course.







Peace Through Personality
The Enneagram teaches that each of us is born with certain innate tendencies that shape our personalities. Once we understand our predispositions — both positive and negative — we become empowered to make more conscious choices about how we behave and relate to others.



Fun Stuff


An oldie but a great one!  From two years ago.  Go full screen and turn up the volume. 


The Hope Of A Favourable Outcome



Interesting video about proof of evolution that you can find on your own body.



Colorized Historical Photos                                          LifeBuzz



  Copyright © 2014 Reef Chiropractic Care. All Rights Reserved.

2016 – January Newsletter

Posted on: January 1st, 2016

Reef Chiropractic Care          

Dr. Brian C. Baker



To view an online version of this please click here             


Please like us on Facebook  













The Paleo Diet


Food Politics
























December 2015


I’m always surprised how fast the holidays come upon us.  This year is no exception.  Please take the time to enjoy and appreciate the blessings in your life.  I wish you a healthy and happy holiday and new year.  May all your hopes and aspirations become reality.


Due for a tune up?  Use this moment to call, or go to our website and request an appointment.  I’ve missed your bones!


As always, please feel free to share this newsletter with friends and family.



Kiwanis Poinsettias
Last call for this year’s Poinsettias. Local pickup will be at Spear Miller Funeral Home on 12/12.  If you order 5 or more I will personally deliver them to you (locally)!
This year’s plants look great!  They are 8”–20″ tall with 12-15 blooms in a foil wrapped pot. They are priced at $25 each. 
“Poinsettias so beautiful it blew my mind! – Everyone



Low Carb, High Fat Diet

This is one of the better websites I’ve come across for information about implementation and benefits of a low carbohydrate, high fat diet.  Diabetic or pre-diabetic?  Or trying to lose weight? Take a look.




R​easons for use of yoga, supplements, and spinal manipulation – analysis

“General wellness or disease prevention” was the most common wellness-related reason for use of each of the three approaches.
More than two-thirds of users of all three health approaches reported that their use improved their overall health and made them feel better.
Nearly two-thirds of yoga users reported that as a result of practicing yoga they were motivated to exercise more regularly, and 4 in 10 reported they were motivated to eat healthier.
More than 80 percent of yoga users reported reduced stress as a result of practicing yoga.
Although dietary supplement users were twice as likely to report wellness rather than treatment as a reason for taking supplements, fewer than 1 in 4 reported reduced stress, better sleep, or feeling better emotionally as a result of using dietary supplements.
More than 60 percent of those using spinal manipulation reported doing so to treat a specific health condition, and more than 50 percent did so for general wellness or disease prevention.

National Institute of Health



First-Contact Care With a Medical vs Chiropractic Provider

The purpose of this study was to identify differences in outcomes, patient satisfaction, and related health care costs in spinal, hip, and shoulder pain patients who initiated care with medical doctors (MDs) vs those who initiated care with doctors of chiropractic (DCs) in Switzerland.  


Although spinal, hip, and shoulder pain patients had clinically comparable pain relief irrespective of the initial provider seen, overall health care costs were considerably lower if patients initiated care with DCs compared with those who initiated care with MDs. Moreover, patients initially consulting DCs had greater satisfaction levels with care compared with those initially consulting MDs.



Too many antibiotics may be making kids fatter
In the largest study on the subject to date, researchers from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found that children who take antibiotics regularly throughout their childhood gain weight significantly faster than those who do not. The findings were published in the International Journal of Obesity.

Chondroitin outperforms Celebrex in knee osteoarthritis study

Team studied 194 people with knee OA and inflammation of the synovial membrane in the knee. The participants were followed for two years and were divided into two groups. The first group took 1200mg of chondroitin daily, and the second group took 200mg of celecoxib daily.


At both one and two years, the researchers found a better reduction of cartilage loss in the whole knee, and more particularly in the inner half, of the participants on chondroitin when compared to those on celecoxib. Additionally, there was a decrease in synovial membrane thickness in some of the participants on chondroitin, showing far better results for this group.



Fun Stuff


Chiropractors are standing by: Video


Saw organic ones at Whole Foods: Video 

Moses in Connecticut: Funny Board, Nemo Storm, Snow, Chuckles, Funny Stuff, Moses, Sydesjokes Funny, 2013 Cartoons


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